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SATriage is seamlessly integrated into DevOps environments with support for a wide range of continuous integration /continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, SASTs, and integrated development environments (IDEs).


Prior to SATriage, security testing was often placed outside of the daily DevOps environment, since extended manual triage efforts could not keep up with a daily process. SATriage’s speed (seconds) and accuracy immediately changes things - placing security firmly within the DevOps process, without impacting DevOps rapid response requirements.

With SATriage’s dramatic reduction in severe and moderate defects, vulnerability management will be considerably simplified. Severe defects can be tracked by issue tracking systems, without overwhelming their project management functions.

DevSecOps Process with SATriage

SATriage shifts the industry left by engaging the developer to consider security early in the development process. During the development process, it is more cost-effective and efficient to fix bugs in earlier rather than later stages. The cost of fixing an issue increases exponentially as the software moves forward in the software development life cycle. The Systems Sciences Institute at IBM reported that it cost 2.5x more to fix a bug found during testing than to fix one identified during implementation.¹¹

SATriage’s offering firmly aligns with industry needs. Gartner states that “[Organizations should] Favor a risk-based approach to vulnerability management rather than a “fix all the bugs” mentality. Too often, the perfect becomes the enemy of the good, wasting time and resources and demotivating developers and teams. There is often a trade-off to be made between speed and depth, so buyers should ensure that any resulting diminishment in the accuracy of results that often accompanies lower turnaround times remains acceptable.” “Customers require offerings that provide high-assurance, high-value findings while not unnecessarily slowing down development efforts.”

Today, “organizations struggle to engage with developers who lack appropriate security training and focus, and inadequate security staff to properly support expansive development teams.”¹ “Most developers have no knowledge of secure coding, including those versed in agile and DevOps.” “Developers' lack of knowledge on how to mitigate issues is the biggest AppSec challenge – 53% of organizations only provide security training for developers once a year or less.”¹ Gartner suggests that “security and risk management leaders should … favor solutions that provide developer support via rapid feedback of test findings, along with educational materials and remediation guidance, within the IDE.”¹ SATriage again is the answer by requiring no special security knowledge from the developer. SATriage offers rich information of each defect: assessments on risk (and why), ranking (and why), and ASTs, along defect description, architectural issues, CVE examples, and attack patterns.

SATriage’s value proposition is clear. For each 10,000 defects that are being managed, SATriage offers $125K reduction in triage costs, $8M reduction in defect resolution, the ability to add security into the DevOps process at speed, and the assurance that important defects are not missed ($1.4 – 2.6M per attack instance²).

Gartner predicted that “By 2025, organizations will speed up their remediation of coding vulnerabilities identified by SAST by 30%.” With a 99% speed up, SATriage is a positive black swan industry-changer.

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